Frisky Disk How-to Guide

How does the Frisky Disk work?

The Frisky Disk is a menstrual disk made of flexible medical-grade silicone. It is worn internally right around the cervix (leeg ng matres) to collect menstrual blood.

It sits beyond the vaginal canal. The cervix should be right inside the disk, while the front end is tucked behind the pubic bone. You can feel the pubic bone when you insert a finger into your vagina and press upward. When inserted properly, you can have sex, dance, swim, sleep, and even forget about your period for up to 12 hours - you won’t feel it inside at all. 


How to Use

Complete beginner guide!



To sterilize your Frisky Disk, you can:

  • Boil Frisky Disk in a pot for 1 - 2 minutes OR
  • Put in boiling hot water for 5 minutes OR
  • Use a UV sterilizer



1. WASH YOUR HANDS for at least 20 seconds, including under the nails. Also wash your vaginal area. 

2. Position. Sit over the toilet or squat in shower. 

3. Pinch Frisky Disk in half. It will be as wide as a tampon. You can wet your Frisky Disk with clean water to help insertion.


*Optional: apply 2-3 drops water-based lubricant to tip of disk so it’s easier. DO NOT use any oil- or silicone-based lubricant. 

4. Insert into the vaginal opening. It may feel different or unusual. Just breathe and gently insert the tip of the Frisky Disk into the vagina. Then push it horizontally (not upward) until the entire disk is fully-inserted. 

5. Tuck the Frisky Disk around the cervix, and behind the pubic bone.  

*Checking - You should be able to feel your cervix through the thin silicone basin. The front rim should be secure behind the pubic bone. If you insert a finger to check and it doesn’t feel secure, you can gently pull on it to remove and re-insert. 

6. Rinse the area off and wipe. Sometimes there’s some blood left in the vaginal canal after insertion. DO NOT use tissue to clean the inside. You can check for leftover blood with a finger, then rinse and wipe the outside with a tissue. You can also use a pantyliner during your first few times wearing it just in case. 

7. Wear for up to 8 - 12 hrs. This is the maximum time! Why? Because the blood doesn’t go out of the vaginal opening, it does not come in contact with air, unlike napkins, so you can leave it in for longer. The capacity is also much bigger. But, if your period is super heavy (filling more than 5 regular napkins a day), you need to remove and empty it more often. For your first few times using it, try checking for leaks every 6 hours, and adjust. 



1. WASH your hands and your vaginal area.

2. Position. Remove over the toilet or shower. You can squat so your cervix is closer to the vaginal opening.

3. Hook a finger between the pubic bone and the rim of the Frisky Disk and gently pull. Yes, this can get messy - but it’s okay since you’ll be in the shower or over the toilet. You’ll also notice that the blood that comes out isn’t smelly (unless you leave the Frisky Disk in for more than 12 hours). 

4. Dump menstrual blood down the shower drain or toilet and rinse.

5. Wash with Frisky Disk cleanser for at least 20 seconds and rinse.

6. Re-insert and reuse until your menstruation ends! 

After your period ends, sterilize again, wash, dry, & store inside the pouch. Keep your Frisky Disk in a clean, dry place. 

  • NO it will not get stuck inside.
  • NO it will not cause an infection so long as it is cleaned, used, and stored correctly. 
  • YES you can have sex with the Frisky Disk in.
  • NO it is not a contraceptive - it will not prevent STDs, so you would still need to use a condom.


Having sex with the disk in 😳

It won’t hurt for you or your partner to have sex with the Frisky Disk in. Your partner will NOT feel it unless they go fishing for it with their fingers. In which case - it’s okay to tell them. 

Customer personal experience:

Sex is much more fun with the Frisky Disk in <3 And unless the Frisky Disk is really full, there’s no mess and no pain at all. 


Always use lubricant. When we have our period, it’s a dry time for our vagina, it’s very hard to get slippery wet, there isn’t that much arousal fluid, and if there’s no lube, dryness can cause friction and pain.

After sex, do I remove it? 

You can remove it right after sex or you can wait 15 - 30 minutes. When you’re aroused, your cervix actually moves further up, to make room for 🍆, so it’s possible the Frisky Disk will be harder to reach right after sex. So my advice is to wait 15 - 30 minutes after to remove it and wash it. 

Will it leak? 

It is possible for the Frisky Disk to leak a little bit if it is full, so it’s best to empty it before any of the sex starts. Like I said earlier, when you’re aroused, your cervix actually moves further up, to make room for 🍆, so if you try to remove and re-insert it in the middle of foreplay or sex, then it might be more difficult (but not impossible!)

Ready? Add the Frisky Disk Essentials Kit to your cart here.